Saturday, January 22, 2011

he did call around

3:30 pm seemed just to get the address on upton street
not a very long call

no call today missed

yesterday off with keri

Friday, January 21, 2011

made the call

while i was gone would liked to have heard it but i am sure i did not miss much
told me her knee still hurt from the fall but that has been over a month ago

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the call was made about 3:15 pm

nothing really talked about very short call and said when off the phone nothing new calling every other day

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

thaw out

the call did it most of ours going that's all ground hog did he call say who yea yea mike call! so it must  be turned on the phone no no different out of supplies okay silent silent silent yea i know what you mean quiet get different pkg from comcast different programing see now ha ha i hear you well yea change programing no spend money somebody else do no good our not good spend to much time watching tv
 stuff same old stuff hot under computer smart go get coffee can't okay talk to u later okay you say that next week okay bye bye