Saturday, August 11, 2007

went to madisonville again today

more paper work to pickup and sign
next wed for close is a possibility

Friday, August 10, 2007

finally it is going to be ours for sure

the closing will be soon
the mortgage lady said it appraised for over the offer
that will be great but their will be a lot of work
it needs many things but paint will be the first thing to start

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

up really early need to get downstairs

don't want any conflict
she seem to try to find way that will aggravate me
we need to go sign some paper work this a m

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

meeting with morgage woman 11 am

had to sign a couple of forms on the house

we should hear back by tomorrow

the forms were about them not being resposiable for anything

hopefully we will be out of here soon as their is a lot of pressure around here

today her bathtub was stopped up with her hair and she said it was from me shaving leg not her washing her hair

why we ever move in here i dont know she has been against me for one reason or another for 41 years

well on to the future