Sunday, March 7, 2010

the call on sunday

she is calling today to make sure larry sends money
that she mailed to him to mike
guess she does not even trust larry for sure
the sunday call is back again
talking about years ago that mikes mother in law did not like being in fl
laura will leave mike
the money ----- 
mike begs for money from everyone
has sent no money per keri
calls wanda twice a month
prision to visit mike never again
money to mike
dope is for ever till they make up their minds
mike is all she talks about
mike a letter lately   okay
wine to her for money not to thrilled about where he is
tell him nothing
keri money
  to mike
paw paw didn't kill m----
where the granny lives 145 county road 876
all alone these days
by her choice
yea yea yea
her to mike threat
how did u find out from mike for sure
they had their chance