Saturday, April 12, 2008

kim david austin savana

were up here this weekend
we went to sweetwater flea market
kim got a dog a 6 week old puppy malamute
he is so cute and kim seems to like him very much

Thursday, April 10, 2008


he called her tonight she needs kitty litter
she has not called here since the cell phone off
she thinks i will answer we have caller id now and i will not
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

hair cut local panel up need one more

got my hair cut at a local shop and while i was gone he tried to even out the floor did not quite get it up to where he wanted it to be and he is working on putting the line to the ice maker under the house
can't find the part he needs an needs a trip to lowes for a new one

Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Today we put up the second piece of paneling it was a much hard one to do as it had several angles to cut and trim and sand what a job for u know who but he handled it very good later we planted several hostas in a bed out front after it was rotilled by the same person
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